An activation showcasing sustainable clothing brand tentree in central London required some suitable props to promote their “tens trees planted for every item purchased” mission. The tree stump bins, created by Creator International featured a QR code detailing the benefits of buying from the brand and how they were planning to plant 1 billion trees by 2030.
An unusual item to donate to charity but here at Event Cycle, we’re always up for a challenge. We searched through our network, sent out a donation alert and followed up with phone calls to describe the decorative tree stumps to our members in a bid to find a second home for them after the event.
We found a second purpose for them with a charity that supports disabled people in Kingston-Upon-Thames and Richmond. EnhanceAble aims to enhance and improve the lives of children, teenagers, young adults and adults in their homes and out in the community through their 1 to 1 service as well as through their walk-in daytime sessions, short breaks and respite offerings. The tree stumps from Creator International will be used as part of an activity offered at their day drop-in day centre as well as livening up the conservatory.
“The tree stumps are fantastic. Richard is going to line them with thick plastic and we are going to plant into them. One is in our conservatory and is going to have big leafy plants and hanging plants. The other is going inside and we are going to use it for succulents and cacti. We are using the trees in our day service for adults. The people who use the centre will be involved in the planting. They will brighten up our building no end. I have just ordered some grit to mix with compost and then we are going out to choose plants.”
Julie Hagarty, Chief Executive Officer, EnhanceAble.
From props to planters as well as providing an activity for a disabled day centre. A wonderful way not to waste leftover event materials. Thank you Creator International for your donation.